Mar 27, 2024

How to Write a Great Title: Expert Tips and Tricks

Vaishnavi Ramkumar

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When it comes to blog writing or any form of content creation, the most underrated yet powerful tool is the title. Your title is the first thing a potential reader sees, and often the only thing they notice when your content appears in their social media feed or search engine results. It represents a promise of the value they'll receive from spending time reading your content. With millions of articles published daily on the internet, a captivating title can make or break your content's visibility and engagement. In this blog post, we'll leverage expert tips and tricks to help you write great titles that draw in your target audience, increase your visibility, and ultimately add value to your readers' lives.

Importance of a Great Title

An engaging title is much more than just a brief description of your blog post. It's your golden ticket to grabbing your target audience's attention amidst the sea of online content. It sets the tone for your entire piece and piques readers' curiosity to explore further. Additionally, a well-optimized title enhances your search engine visibility, serving as a vital element in SEO. In essence, failing to craft a catchy title is like burying your great content under a pile of digital noise.

The Role of Titles in Content Marketing

In the realm of content marketing, titles act as powerful magnets, drawing readers to your content. They serve two crucial functions – enticing potential readers and improving content visibility on search engines. A catchy title stokes curiosity, prompting readers to click and read further, while a well-optimized title (packed with relevant keywords) appeals to search engine algorithms, enhancing your content's discoverability. Thus, a great title fuels your content dissemination in the digital arena, contributing significantly to your content marketing success.

Characteristics of a Great Title

An effective title shares several common characteristics. It's concise, yet descriptive, clearly encapsulating the main idea of the content. It's informative, offering the reader a clear idea of what they can expect from the content, hence setting appropriate expectations. Most importantly, a great title is engaging, incorporating elements like numbers, intriguing phrases, or compelling questions that arouse curiosity and urge the readers to delve deeper into the content. Learning to craft such titles is an essential skill for every content creator.

Clarity and Simplicity

Clarity and simplicity form the backbone of an effective title. A great title clearly communicates the essential information about the content in the simplest possible manner. Here are some tips for enhancing clarity and simplicity in your titles:

  • Avoid jargon: Don't assume your readers are familiar with industry-specific terms or abbreviations. Use phrases that your target audience understands and uses.
  • Be Precise: Focus on your content's core idea and ensure it's conveyed precisely in the title.
  • Use Simple Language: Use everyday vocabulary to maintain simplicity. Eliminate any unnecessary words.
  • Keep it Short: Try to limit your title length to maximize readability. This also ensures your title won't be cut off in search engine results or on social platforms.
  • Make it Digestible: Break down complex ideas into easy-to-understand phrases. Make it easy on the eyes and mind.

While being creative with your title is important, remember not to compromise clarity and simplicity in the process.

Incorporating Keywords

Strategically incorporating keywords into your title not only improves your content's visibility on search engines but also aligns your content with your readers' search intent. In essence, it bridges the gap between your content and potential readers who are likely searching using those specific keywords. Here's how you can incorporate keywords effectively:

Start by identifying the primary keyword or key phrase that encapsulates your main topic. Use SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find popular keywords related to your content topic. Remember to choose keywords that genuinely represent your content and align with what your target audience would use to find your content.

Positioning is key. Try to place the keyword towards the beginning of the title to grab your readers' attention immediately. However, don't force-fit keywords; the title must sound natural and compelling to human readers too.

Beware of over-optimization. Utilize a primary keyword and a couple of secondary keywords if they fit naturally. Overstuffing keywords not only makes your title less captivating but also risks search engine penalties.

Evoking Emotion

An emotionally charged title can significantly increase your content's click-through rate. Why? Because emotions drive actions. Here's how you can craft titles that resonate emotionally:

  • Use Power Words: Employ emotionally-charged words like "unbelievable," "astonishing," "epic," or "powerful" that inherently evoke an emotional response from the reader.
  • Leverage Fear or Curiosity: Titles that play on readers' fears or curiosities, like "The Biggest Mistakes You're Making in Content Marketing," can prove to be highly engaging.
  • Promise a Positive Outcome: A title promising a beneficial outcome, like "How to Double Your Traffic in Just 30 Days," evokes feelings of excitement and optimism.
  • Spark a Sense of Urgency: Titles suggesting a time-bound opportunity or warning, such as "Last Day to Sign Up for Our Free Webinar!" stir up a sense of urgency that prompts immediate action.

Remember, your goal is to evoke genuine emotion, not to manipulate or mislead your readers. Be honest and true to your content while drafting an emotionally evocative title.

Arouse Curiosity

One of the best ways to draw readers into your content is by arousing their curiosity through your title. Humans are innately curious creatures, always eager to discover, learn, or uncover something new. You can use this psychological trigger to craft titles that pique curiosity and lure readers into your content. Here's how:

Leverage the 'information gap' theory, which suggests that humans find it nearly unbearable not to know something once they realize a gap in their knowledge. Frame your title as a question that your content promises to answer or present a startling fact or statistic that leaves readers eager to learn more.

Include words or phrases that hint at something intriguing within your content. For instance, words like 'secrets', 'little-known method', 'revealing', etc., work wonders in making readers want to know more.

However, remember to fulfill the curiosity you've aroused with high-quality, value-adding content. Teasing your readers with an interesting title but then providing lackluster content can break reader trust and negatively impact engagement levels.

Strategies for Writing Catchy Titles

There is an array of strategies you can employ to craft catchy and effective titles. These range from the use of numbers and lists, asking compelling questions, using powerful words that evoke emotion or response, to leveraging social proof. Each of these techniques plays a unique role in attracting and engaging your desired audience. Let's delve deeper into these strategies and understand how to implement them effectively while writing titles.

Use of Numbers and Lists

Numbers and lists in titles serve as strong attention-grabbers. They offer a quick and easy-to-understand breakdown of what the reader can expect. Here's why using numbers and lists work:

  • Organized Information: Numbers or lists suggest that the content is well-structured and easy to consume.
  • Quantifiable Value: They quantify the amount of information or value the reader can expect, such as "10 Strategies" or "5 Tips."
  • Enhanced Readability: Numbers and lists improve readability by breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks.

When using numbers, remember to:

  • Use Odd Numbers: Odd numbers are perceived as more authentic and are more likely to be shared.
  • Use Digits Instead of Words: Digits take up less space and are easier to scan.
  • Start with the Number: Place the number at the start of the title for maximum impact.

Asking Compelling Questions

Asking questions in your title can be a powerful strategy to engage the reader's curiosity. An intriguing question prompts the reader to click and find the answer in your content. Here's how you can leverage questions effectively:

  • Your question should align closely with the reader's thoughts or pain points. This means understanding your readers' needs and crafting questions around those.
  • Avoid 'Yes' or 'No' questions, as they don't always incite curiosity. Open-ended questions that make readers ponder or reflect work better.
  • The answer to your question should provide real value to the reader. In other words, your content should offer a useful response to the question posed in the title.

While questions can be engaging, remember to use them judiciously. Overusing questions or not delivering on the promised answer can alienate your readers and decrease engagement.

Using Power Words

Power words are persuasive, emotive words that trigger a psychological +or emotional response. They can make your title more compelling and increase click-through rates. Below are a few examples of power words:

Fear Power Words Encouragement Power Words Lust Power Words
Terror Inspire Desire
Fool Fearless Love
Death Exciting Seductive

Fear power words evoke an emotional response, which can make your audience curious and eager to read the entire content. Encouragement words inspire your readers to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Lust power words trigger emotions of affection and desire, often applied in content related to relationships and desires.

Remember to use power words sparingly and ensure they align with your content’s main idea. Overuse can lead to a sense of sensationalism or hype that could disappoint readers if the content doesn’t deliver.

Leveraging Social Proof

In the era of digital marketing, social proof serves as a powerful tool to gain your audience's trust. If others are doing it, it must be good, right? Here are ways to leverage social proof in your titles:

  • Showcase Testimonials or Endorsements: If an industry expert or a large number of customers endorse your product or service, include that in your title.
  • Use Statistics: Incorporate data, figures, or success rates in your titles to validate your points quantitatively. Numbers often resonate with the logical part of the readers' minds.
  • Mention Recognized Brands: If you're collaborating with or featuring recognized brands, include their names in your titles to attract their fan base.

Leveraging social proof in your titles helps show your offering's true value substantiated by others, thereby enhancing your credibility and appeal.

Writing Titles for Different Contents

While the aforementioned strategies can work across different types of content, it's crucial to tailor your titles to the specific type of content you're crafting. Whether it's a non-fiction book, fiction novel, or a blog post, each type entails unique reader expectations and standards which influence how your title should be framed. Let's delve into creating compelling titles for these distinct contents.

Titles for Non-Fiction

Non-fiction titles need to be clear, direct, and succinct. They should accurately represent the main content and appeal to the intended readership’s interests or needs. Here are some guidelines:

  • State Your Purpose: Make sure your title clearly indicates what your book is about. Think of it as a promise you're making to your readers about what they will learn.
  • Use Subtitles if Necessary: If the main title is too broad or abstract, consider using a subtitle to provide additional context or detail.
  • Be SEO-Friendly: If you're selling your book online, using relevant keywords in your title can help potential readers discover your book.

For example, the title "Becoming: How to Find Your True Purpose and Transform Your Life" signals that this book provides guidance on personal growth and transformation.

Titles for Fiction

Fiction titles, unlike non-fiction ones, allow for more creative freedom. They should, however, still connect with the story and capture its essence. Here are a few tips:

  • Engage the Reader's Curiosity: Effective fiction titles often intrigue readers, hint at the genre, or hint at the story without giving too much away.
  • Be Unique: Try to craft a title that is novel and memorable. It should stand out in a sea of other titles in the same genre.
  • Use Significant Story Elements: You could use a memorable line, theme, character, or setting from your story in your title.

For instance, Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a potent title that hints at a pivotal event in the story, sparking reader curiosity.

Titles for Blog Posts

Writing compelling blog post titles involves combining all the strategies mentioned before – using power words, arousing curiosity, incorporating keywords, etc. Here’s how you can perfect it:

  • Make it Actionable: Words like 'Learn', 'Start', 'Build', 'Discover' show what readers can do after reading the blog.
  • Ensure It’s Accurate: Clickbait may get you clicks, but failing to deliver on your title promise can dissuade readers.
  • Keep SEO in Mind: Use search-friendly keywords, but focus on creating interesting and engaging titles first.
  • Leverage Numbers: List articles with numbers in the title tend to get more shares and clicks.

Remember, the goal is to create a title that not only catches the viewer’s attention but also gives them a reason to click and read further.

Tools for Testing and Analyzing Titles

With numerous potential titles, how do you decide which one works best? The answer lies in A/B testing and analysing. Several tools can help you analyze and test the effectiveness of your titles, providing insights about your title's ability to drive traffic, engagement, and conversions. Let’s explore two of these tools – CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer and the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer.

CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer is a handy tool for crafting compelling, SEO-friendly headlines. This free tool analyses your title and assigns it an overall score based on its structure, readability, and length. It evaluates the title's word balance considering four types of words – common, uncommon, emotional, and powerful words. The tool suggests improvements for enhancing search engine optimization (SEO) and click-through rate.

For example, if you input a title, the tool might highlight that you've used too many common words and recommend replacing them with some emotional or powerful words to make it more compelling. While this tool provides useful feedback, remember that it's machine-generated. Make sure to apply your human judgment to evaluate its suggestions.

Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

Similar to CoSchedule's analyzer, the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Headline Analyzer tool assesses your title based on its Emotional Marketing Value score. The tool rates your headline's ability to reach customers on an emotional level. For this, it analyses the presence and influence of three types of EMV Impact words: Intellectual, Empathetic, and Spiritual.

Aside from calculating your headline's EMV score, the tool also identifies which emotion your headline most impacts, helping you align it better with your audience's emotional responses. This analyzer can significantly aid in crafting emotionally resonant headlines, but as with the CoSchedule tool, final judgment should rest on human intuition and understanding of your specific audience.


Crafting an effective title is an art. It requires balancing myriad elements - from ensuring readability to arousing curiosity, using keywords for SEO and yet being relatable to humans, all within a limited word count. The importance of a good title cannot be overstated. It forms the reader's first impression, affects SEO and social media performance, and greatly impacts your content marketing success.

While there are numerous tips, tricks, and strategies for writing titles, the key lies in knowing your audience. Understand what resonates with them, what language they use, and what they value. Test different strategies, measure their effectiveness, and continually co-optimize your titles for search engines and for people.

Remember, the goal is to create a title that encourages the reader to invest their time in your content. As you master the art of crafting great titles, the returns in terms of increased reader engagement and content visibility can be exceptional.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the characteristics of a great title?

A great title is clear, concise, engaging, and accurately reflects its content. It incorporates relevant keywords for SEO, arouses curiosity, evokes emotion, and promises valuable insights to the readers. In essence, a great title effectively captures the reader's attention and motivates them to read on.

How can I write a title that stands out?

To write a stand-out title, incorporate power words, ask compelling questions, or use numbers and lists. Leverage emotions, pronounce the benefits clearly, and instill a sense of urgency or exclusivity. Optimizing it for SEO by using relevant keywords can also enhance its visibility.

How do I incorporate keywords in my title?

Start by identifying the primary keyword that encapsulates your main topic and fit it organically into your title. Ideal placement is towards the beginning of the title. Include supporting or secondary keywords if they enhance the title's meaning and readability without making it sound unnatural.

What tools can I use for testing and analyzing titles?

Tools like CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer and the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Headline Analyzer can help test and analyze your titles. These tools assess factors like readability, word balance, SEO, and emotional resonance, providing actionable insights to craft more effective titles.

About the Author

Vaishnavi Ramkumar

Vaishnavi Ramkumar is a content marketer specializing in creating BOFU content for SaaS brands. She believes reader-centric content is the sure-shot way to generate high-quality leads through content marketing. As part of the Scalenut team, Vaishnavi curates content that drives brand awareness and boosts signups. When she's not crafting content, you can find her immersed in the pages of a good book or a course.

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